Monday, September 10, 2007

Interpretations of the Bible – Part II

This is a continuation of various ways people view and interpret the Old Testament. See Part I for the introduction to this series of postings and a description of the literalist way of understanding the Old Testament. Determine where you fall in your interpretation of the Old Testament.


Events occurred generally as described, so Bible can be taken somewhat literally. However, there is some room for interpretation beyond the text based on reasonable assumptions. Bible divinely inspired and accurately communicates God’s message to us.


Creation may have occurred over “eons” or “epochs” and not six literal 24-hour days. Otherwise is a true representation of what happened.


There may not have been a worldwide flood as described, but there probably was a significant local flood since there are a number of flood stories in the ancient Near East that seem to confirm the biblical account of a major flood.


Similar to the completely literal interpretation, people can get hung up in details rather than what the story is communicating to us. Some have trouble believing these stories, so whole Bible placed into doubt. The advantage is that this interpretation allows at least some reconciliation with scientific evidence and can be modified as new discoveries are found without compromising the basic message of the story. May leave fewer unanswered questions.

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