Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Meaning of Lent

If you haven’t read it, I recommend you read the article on Lent in the Tuesday, 2/18/08, edition of the Poughkeepsie Journal. There are a couple of things I would like to emphasize about Lent.

First, we don’t give up something for Lent or do other good works to earn favor with God, or perhaps to earn our way to heaven. We should be doing these things out of love – we love God because he first loved us, and gave his Son so that we may live.

Second, we should use the season of Lent to strengthen our relationship with God through Jesus. While giving up something is nice, we should also commit to read Scripture or at least a daily devotional such as The Upper Room (by Upper Room Ministries of the United Methodist Church), Our Daily Bread (by RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, MI), or In Touch (the ministry of Charles Stanley, Atlanta, GA). I don’t recommend Daily Word, which is put out by the Unity School of Christianity.

Third, we should take the opportunity of Lent to develop spiritual disciplines, such as committing to attend church every week from now on, setting aside a time of prayer (such as while commuting instead of listening to the radio), or attending a Bible study.

In these ways, Lent can be much more meaningful for you.

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