Friday, October 5, 2007

Bush’s Veto of Child Health Care

GBCS Responds to President Bush’s Veto of SCHIP
Press Release -- Washington, D.C., October 3, 2007

On October 3, 2007, the General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) of the United Methodist Church released the following statement in response to the veto by President Bush of the SCHIP legislation:

The General Board of Church and Society worked tirelessly as part of an interfaith effort to rally support for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The SCHIP legislation, which drew strong support in Congress, would have expanded a children’s health insurance program by $35 billion over five years. We are deeply disappointed that President Bush vetoed this bill which received bipartisan support and which promised to provide health care to 10 million children over this five-year span.

The President’s act of veto of this legislation is contrary to our denomination’s understanding of God’s abundant provision for all God’s children -- including the provision of health care.

The General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church calls the U.S. Congress to action to override this veto as an act of moral conscience on behalf of children in the United States.

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