There have been two events in the news recently involving top universities that I would like to comment on. I am telling you about these events so you are aware of how hypocritical academia is, and how prejudiced colleges are against anything that isn’t PC. Diversity of opinions is a thing of the past, yet they piously (and with a straight face) claim to be open and tolerant. If you have a child about to enter college, please warn him or her about what to expect.
I also mention these two events as a warning that if you are in a position of responsibility and authority, you should think about the ramifications of your actions. I’m not just talking about college presidents, but about everybody.
Ask yourself: Am I being fair? Who is my action going to hurt? Does my action reveal prejudice? Am I unfairly judging? Have I acted responsibly or recklessly? Will I bring glory to God by what I say or do, or will I bring shame?
The first event has to do with Duke University, where a while back several athletes were falsely accused of raping a stripper they hired to perform at a party. While I can’t condone hiring a stripper, the way these jocks were treated by the university was appalling.
Finally the president of Duke University apologized and admitted he was wrong regarding how he handled the lacrosse team alleged rape case. Of course his apology comes many months after his inexcusable and unprofessional behavior. What did he do wrong in that situation?
·He immediately judged the jocks involved as guilty, and gave them no support or benefit of the doubt (what ever happened to innocent until proved guilty). The word “alleged” was rarely used.
·He cancelled the rest of the lacrosse season, thus penalizing the whole team for no reason.
·He did not protest when an African-American professor placed a hate-filled ad in the school newspaper (let’s see, what would have happened if a white guy had put a similar ad in the paper).
·He didn’t protest when most of the faculty judged those students as guilty and openly condemned them before due process had taken place.
·In other words, he completely failed to be a proper leader.
What’s sad is that he didn’t resign, which would have been the honorable thing to do. Failing that, he wasn’t removed as any responsible Board would have done. North Carolina removed and penalized the District Attorney (Nifong) who acted so unprofessionally and unethically in that case. But Duke did nothing to a president whose behavior was not befitting a top-tier school. Alumni should have pressured the board to summarily dismiss him.
The second item involves Columbia University. While not as egregious as Duke, Columbia invited the Iranian president Ahmadinejad to speak there while he was in New York. I wouldn’t mind except that it is incredibly hypocritical. They allow a nut case like Ahmadinejad, who denies the Holocaust and seeks the annihilation of Israel and probably all of Western Civilization as well, to have an open forum. While the academics claim a university should be open to diverse viewpoints, I wonder when was the last time they had a conservative speak? If and when a conservative did speak, was he or she allowed to actually finish the speech without interruption, jeering, and other mean-spirited disruptions. I doubt it. So much for diversity of opinion and freedom of expression.
In their defense, the president of Columbia soundly criticized Ahmadinejad in his comments, but I suspect his comments resulted from the criticism the university received once the word got out. I still feel having Ahmadinejad speak there was hypocritical and not a good idea. True free speech, tolerance of diverse opinions, and open forums are rare on politically correct campuses today, which is why I have lost all respect for academia. I no longer contribute to my two alma maters (one of which is Columbia, by the way, where I received a Master’s Degree), because I won’t support institutions that are dominated by politically correct demagoguery.
Just to let you know how PC academia is, my seminary (which will remain anonymous) took grade points off your papers if you used a masculine pronoun for God, as it is considered patriarchal and offensive. You better not refer to God as he, him, or his. Probably she, her, and hers would be OK, although I never tried it.
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