Monday, May 11, 2009

Being a Caring Church – Part 4

This is the last in a series of posts having to do with being a caring church.


In conclusion, being a loving and caring church isn’t about sentiment or feelings, but about giving real help to real people. When we love God and commit our lives to Jesus, we don’t have the option of deciding whether or not to care for others. Caring for others should be an integral part of a believer’s life, and therefore should be an integral part of a caring church’s life. That’s because we as individuals have committed to follow the God’s way, making Jesus our Lord. Since we as individuals collectively make up the church, then that becomes the church’s mission.

Missionary Hudson Taylor was once asked how he viewed the great sacrifices he had made in doing God’s work in foreign lands. His reply was, “Sacrifice? I never made a sacrifice.” He may have given up a great deal, but to him, it was not a big sacrifice. We may be asked to care for people sacrificially, but doing so shouldn’t be an ordeal. Instead, it is a joy, because that’s what we’re called to do by God himself. And there’s no more comfortable place to be than in God’s will.

Based on articles from Every Day with Jesus (Jan-Feb 2009), by Selwyn Hughes, CWR Ministries, Waverly Abbey House, Waverly Lane, Farnham, Surry GU9 8EP UK. © 2009 All rights reserved.

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