Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How Do We Know the Bible Is True? (Part 2)

This post is a continuation of the earlier discussion about the truth of the Bible.

Various Views of the Bible

The Bible is probably the most controversial book ever written, and there is quite the range of opinions about it. Let’s look at a few of them.

1. Bible Is Mythology

At one end of the spectrum, some say the Old Testament is just one culture’s mythology and code of laws, nothing more. They claim the Bible is just like the stories other societies have about their gods and creation, such as the Greek, Roman, and Norse mythology. They say the Ten Commandments and other laws in the Bible are just one culture’s expression of their moral code, which doesn’t necessarily apply to us.

Regarding the New Testament, these doubters claim that the stories about Jesus have been grossly exaggerated. They say these stories of Jesus take on mythical properties similar to stories of King Arthur and Robin Hood. These skeptics would say Jesus is not the Savior of the world and the Son of God who performed many miracles, including rising from the dead.

2. Bible Is Literally God’s Word

At the other end of the spectrum you have those who believe the Bible should be taken literally, and is without any kind of error in its original manuscripts. They claim that through the years, some factual errors have crept in, but nothing that compromises the overall truth of God’s Word.

3. Bible Contains God’s Truth

In between there is a wide range of opinions concerning the Bible. As Christians, we don’t believe the Bible is mythology, but understand it to be God’s inspired Word, which reveals to us some important information:

·We see God’s interactions with his people thru the historical narrative;

·We see God’s revelation of himself using various literary forms;

·We see Prophecy, much of which has already been fulfilled;

·We learn God’s standards for our behavior and God’s expectations of us;

·We learn the story of Jesus and how he is the Savior of the world and God’s fullest revelation of himself.

While we may believe the Bible contains God’s truth, there is still the problem of interpreting the Bible to discern that truth.

More on the Bible in a future post.

Note: Some material in this post was based on the book The God Questions by Hal Seed and Dan Grider, published by Outreach Publishing, © 2007

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