Friday, October 9, 2009

Letterman: More on Sex – Part 3

More on why I think God did not want sex outside of marriage and why God instituted the family and marriage.

To Protect against Disease

Physical harm is also a prevalent consequence of sex outside of marriage. AIDS, venereal diseases and other problems result from sex outside of marriage. And unknown to many, adultery and promiscuous living increases one’s risk of certain types of cancer. Dr. Ralph Richart of Columbia University’s College of Surgeons says that, infidelity and promiscuous living drastically increase a woman’s risk of developing cervical cancer. So we can see from these common-sense reasons why God’s way is the best.


In conclusion, morality, sex, marriage and the family seem to be the main battleground in the culture wars that we are experiencing in this country. Make no mistake about it, others chose this battleground, not the so-called religious right, the Church, or Christians in general. It is the other side that wants to totally remake society according to its values, and its values generally contradict Scripture.

The Church and Christians are simply reacting to this attempt to radically redefine society as we know it and the way God established it. Somebody has to stand up against these radical forces, and it should be the Church. As a matter of fact, the other side will ridicule family TV programs of the 1950’s such as “Father Knows Best,” “Leave It to Beaver,” and “Ozzie and Harriet.” They will say such programs were not real, but were idealized and untrue versions of life.

My response is, So what? What’s the harm in that? At least those programs gave both adults and kids a model of what families should be like, rather than the dysfunctional families of Homer Simpson and Al Bundy. Moreover, those long-gone TV programs presented men as positive role models rather than the idiots portrayed on today’s sitcoms (such as “Two and a Half Men”). Better to have good role models that show that fidelity and a good family life are preferable to promiscuity and irresponsible behavior.

The other side in the battle will also tell us that Scripture is merely one ancient society’s view of how life should be lived, and it is time to move on to more modern thinking. I feel that’s not true: I believe, as I hope you do, that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, given to us to reveal God’s will for our lives. Therefore, we should pay attention to what the Bible says in all areas, including sex, because “Father knows best.” God gave us the gift of co-creation, but it is to be used responsibly.

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