Friday, February 22, 2008

Death in an Abortion Clinic

Below is an article of interest that I doubt you’ll see in any of the media:

Abortionist Surrenders Medical License after Patient Dies

Rapin Osathanondh will never practice medicine again after a 22-year-old patient died during an abortion at his Hyannis, Mass., clinic in September. He permanently surrendered his license Wednesday in the wake of a criminal investigation and disciplinary action.

On Monday, the Boston Medical Examiner's office declared the cause of Laura Smith's death was "cardiac pulmonary arrest during anesthesia during a voluntary termination of pregnancy."

Operation Rescue broke the news of Smith's death, then worked with her mom, Eileen, to apply public pressure to authorities so the death was not covered up.

"While nothing can bring back Laura and her baby, we take great comfort in knowing that Osathanondh will never again hurt another woman or kill another innocent child," Operation Rescue spokeswoman Cheryl Sullenger said.

Quoted from CitizenLink, an enewsletter put out by Focus on the Family. Feb. 21, 2008. © 2008 Focus on the Family Action, Inc.

The reason I put this in my blog is to let you know that deaths do occur in “safe” abortion clinics. These clinics feel they are above the law and resist state inspections, and they don’t report underage pregnancies as required by law. The public needs to understand what’s going on. PT

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